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CACEIS extends its range of services using FundGlobam’s all-in fund distribution support solutions

© Song about summer

CACEIS, the European leader in asset servicing, and FundGlobam, a front-running European expert in fund distribution, are offering asset management companies an all-in fund distribution support solution.

Cross-border distribution is key to asset management companies’ growth and calls for specific expertise. CACEIS has announced a new partnership with FundGlobam aimed at meeting this challenge head-on and helping its clients expand their business. The all-in solutions on offer span the entire fund distribution value chain.

CACEIS’ asset management company clients will now be able to draw on this innovative solution to bolster their business development efforts in both domestic and international markets. The services on offer are structured around three pillars:

  • Distribution strategy services drawing on in-depth knowledge of market characteristics, trends, participants and regulatory frameworks in more than 80 countries to identify the most appropriate targets,
  • Distribution support services to help clients operate in each target market, including a turnkey service for launching funds in new markets, operational support and oversight of distribution in foreign markets, and counterparty monitoring including due diligences,
  • Development support to help clients reach investors in target markets by facilitating access to local networks of distributors and intermediaries.

Fully integrated into FundGlobam DiGital, FundGlobam’s B2B platform, these services constitute a powerful marketing opportunity.

Joe Saliba, Deputy Chief Executive of CACEIS, said: “This partnership between CACEIS and FundGlobam, with its recognised expertise in distribution markets, will enable our clients to seize development opportunities and choose the solutions that best fit their organisation and growth strategy.”

Yves Tambour, founder and Managing Director of FundGlobam, added: “We’re delighted with this new partnership. Thanks to our FundGlobam DiGital online solution, CACEIS’ clients will be able to access personalised fund distribution support services in all markets where they want to operate".

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.