Cost Transparency Uncovered
CACEIS in the UK assembled a panel of experts from across the UK pensions industry to talk about the important topic of cost transparency and providing some practical steps in using cost transparency data.
Climate risks uncovered
We explore why climate risk is key to pension schemes, bringing together Professor Ralf Toumi from the Grantham Institute and Chandra Gopinathan from Railpen to offer their insight into this important area.
Start small, think big, but start
Developing a sustainable governance ecosystem for pension schemes and trustees can be daunting. We provide some insight in this webinar to help trustees get started.
Data and your custodian
In this webinar, we take a look at delivering data and custody governance in testing times. We explore what you should expect from your custodian and why robust data is key for good governance and decision making
ESG and climate impacts
Trustees must now consider the impact of ESG and climate factors on their scheme’s investments. In this webinar, we reveal how trustees should respond to the regulations an how to integrate climate assessments into their schemes.
Do fund boards have sufficient oversight of ESG and climate risk?
We reveal the results of our extensive survey to fund professionals on the opportunities and challenges from climate risk across areas such as governance, data and product development. Our highly interactive panel of experts debates 'live' on the issues...
CACEIS Grains Talk - Qu'attendre de la fin de campagne des grains ?
Animé par Augustin Doittau, revivez le live du dernier CACEIS Grains Talk. Marché des grains et oléagineux : qu'attendre la fin de campagne ? Point macro-économique dressé par Isabelle Job-Bazille et analyses partagées entre Xavier Cassedanne et...
The impact of generative AI on banking with Arnaud Misset, CACEIS
Arnaud Misset, Chief Digital Officer, Caceis discusses the numerous benefits and use cases of generative AI, the importance of secure data management, and how CACEIS is navigating its AI journey. Watch to understand the balance between technological...
Securities Lending 2024: how the industry is adding value to end investors
Leveraging our experience as a global leading custodian, CACEIS Securities Lending experts help our clients take advantage of market opportunities within a safe and sustainable business framework. This webinar will help you understand the key role...
Prêt de titres en 2024 : quelles opportunités pour les investisseurs finaux
Partenaire reconnu pour son expertise et ses services entièrement intégrés à ses activités d'asset servicing, CACEIS à travers ses experts répondent aux besoins spécifiques de ses clients en matière de prêts de titres et de mises en pension...
CACEIS à vos côtés vers le passage au règlement T+1 en Amérique du Nord
Dans ce replay du webinaire clients du 26 mars, les experts de CACEIS reviennent sur les mesures prises pour préparer le passage à T+1 du cycle de règlement-livraison au Canada, Mexique et Etats-Unis les 27 et 28 mai prochains : notamment les changements...
Supporting clients' journey to T+1 settlement in North America
In this replay of the March 26 customer webinar, CACEIS experts explained the measures taken to prepare for the transition to T+1 settlement in Canada, Mexico and the United States on May 27 and 28: in particular, the changes required in terms of technology...
Démystifier le prêt de titres : performance et opportunités en 2023
Performance, ESG, réglementation... Notre équipe Securities Finance analyse la façon dont l'industrie du prêt de titres aide les investisseurs et la liquidité des marchés en 2023. En capitalisant sur notre expérience de dépositaire de premier...
Debunking the myths around securities lending: performance, regulation & opportunities in 2023
Performance, ESG, regulation... Our Securities Finance team looks at how the securities lending industry is helping investors and market liquidity in 2023. Leveraging our experience as a leading custodian, our Securities Lending experts help clients take...
Manage your multi-asset class portfolios with Osmoze
Discover in this replay the Osmoze solution. Available on the CACEIS Connect Store, this multi-asset class decision support platform is dedicated to the front-office.
Pilotez vos portefeuilles multi-classes d’actifs grâce à Osmoze
Découvrez dans ce replay la solution Osmoze. Disponible dans le Connect Store de CACEIS, cette plateforme d’aide à la décision multi-classes d’actifs est dédiée au front office.
Analyser et optimiser vos portefeuilles d’actions grâce à SISMO
Découvrez dans le replay la solution fournie par CACEIS et SISMO. Cette plateforme graphique quantamentale est intuitive, polyvalente et évolutive pour des stratégies d'investissement améliorées à un coût réduit.
Analyse and optimise your equity portfolios with SISMO
Discover in this replay the CACEIS and SISMO solution. This quantamental graphical platform is intuitive, versatile and scalable for improved investment strategies at a reduced cost.
Address your ESG risk monitoring & regulatory reporting challenges
Discover in this replay the CACEIS and Clarity AI solution. It provides direct access to a wide range of data to manage your ESG risks, as well as tools to comply with regulatory reporting requirements (#SFDR, #EUTaxonomy, TCFD and EET).
Relever vos défis ESG : gestion des risques et conformité réglementaire
Découvrez dans le replay la solution fournie par CACEIS et Clarity AI. Elle offre un accès direct à un large éventail de données pour gérer vos risques ESG, ainsi que des outils pour se conformer aux exigences de reporting réglementaires.
Come and discover the latest features of your OLIS client web portal
In the last few months, we have continued to develop your Olis client web portal with new widgets (Corporate actions, CSDR, management of your cash positions...), new selfcare modules (account management, user management...) to provide you more autonomy. We...
Venez découvrir les dernières nouveautés de votre portail web client OLIS
Ces derniers mois, nous avons continué de faire évoluer votre portail client Olis avec de nouveaux widgets (Corporate actions, CSDR, gestion de vos positions Cash …), de nouveaux modules de type selfcare (gestion de compte, d’utilisateurs…) pour...
Vous accompagner dans la transition du UCITS KIID vers le PRIIPS KID
Les sociétés de gestion et d'assurance devront se conformer au nouveau KIID PRIIPs à partir du 1er janvier 2023. CACEIS accompagne les gestionnaires d'actifs dans leur transition du KIID UCITS vers le KIID PRIIPs. Speakers : Florence Boix, Group...
Assisting your transition from UCITS KIID to PRIIPs KID
Asset management and insurance companies will have to comply with the new KIID PRIIPs from 1 January 2023. CACEIS assists Asset Managers in their transition from KIID UCITS to KIID PRIIPs. Speakers: Florence Boix, Group Product Manager Anne-Marie...
TEEPI Data Hub - Simplify your regulatory data exchange
Focus on analyzing the data rather than collecting it! Discover how TEEPI makes it simple for Asset Managers and Insurance Companies to collaborate on regulatory data exchange. This webinar will also serve as an opportunity to see a live demo of the...
Facilitate your cross border fund distribution
The fund distribution market is rapidly evolving, with impact investment, new technologies, and player consolidation... The present situation of the French market no longer provides a viable growth horizon for management organizations seeking long-term...
Comment faciliter la distribution transfrontalière de vos fonds?
Le marché de la distribution de fonds est en pleine mutation, investissement d'impact, technologies digitales, consolidations des acteurs… La situation du marché français ne fournit plus un horizon de croissance suffisant aux sociétés de gestion qui...
Securities Lending, An Activity Compatible with Your ESG Policies
In this CACEIS Talk Series webinar, we discuss how our Securities Lending Solutions can help respond to your ESG challenges and strategies. This activity, which both guarantees market liquidity and generates income for our clients, can be now fully...
Prêt-Emprunt chez CACEIS - une activité compatible avec votre politique ESG
CACEIS vous invite à ce nouveau CACEIS Talk Series pour échanger avec vous sur nos solutions de Prêt-Emprunt et plus particulièrement notre capacité à répondre à vos enjeux & Stratégies ESG. Cette activité à la fois garante de la liquidité des...
TEEPI Data Hub – Simplifiez-vous l'échange de données réglementaires
Vous avez probablement beaucoup entendu parler de TEEPI | The Funds Network | by CACEIS mais vous avez quelques interrogations ? Dans ce webinar, nous abordons notamment les questions suivantes : - Pourquoi l’échange de données réglementaires est-il...
Webinar Alto* x CACEIS: Innovative FRONT-TO-BACK solution for the asset management industry
CACEIS and Amundi, leading European firms in their respective fields fo Asset Servicing and Asset Management, are launching a new solution designed for institutional investors and asset managers. The solution brings together Amundi Services' ALTO* platform,...
Why Fund Governance is crucial in uncertain times?
On November 26th, at 12:15, Joe Saliba, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, and Nick Fitzpatrick, Editorial Director of Funds Europe, discussed the latest findings on fund governance summarised in the CACEIS and Funds Europe dedicated white paper.
TEEPI: addressing fund industry challenges in the digital era
On November 20th, at 12:15, Joe Saliba, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, and Laurent Majchrzak, Deputy Global Head of 3D and Products, addressed the fund industry challenges in the digital era. Technology and digitalisation are rapidly transforming the way...