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Editorial CACEIS News no.75 - March 2024

© Stafeeva

For International Women's Day (IWD), I am proud to present this issue of the CACEIS News which shines the spotlight on women of CACEIS who are making their mark on the Asset Servicing business.

CACEIS’ Executive Committee and I believe that gender diversity, and diversity in all its forms, is a key factor in the group’s performance. Our diversity policy has been a major focal point of CACEIS' social policies for several years now. It aims to strengthen the diversity of staff across all business lines and at every level of our organisation, by promoting inclusion. With 7,000 employees in 18 countries, our Group has its share of social responsibility and should mirror the local population in terms of socio-demographic representativeness. We also seek this diversity in our service providers.

Carine Echelard - Chief Human Resources OfficerIt is a fundamental element in the development of CACEIS that helps us understand and serve our clients and every stakeholder all the way to the end-investor, by offering them appropriate and innovative solutions, while fighting against discrimination.

As a subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole Group, we are aligned with the principles set out in the UN Global Compact, having been a signatory since 2003, with our Diversity Charter signed in 2008 and with the Women's Empowerment Principles signed in 2022. This commitment to diversity, inclusion and the fight against discrimination also features in the Global Framework Agreement renewed in October 2023 between the Crédit Agricole SA Group and UNI Global Union.

Under the banner of the Group's 'Human Centric Project', we focus our initiatives across five commitments: equal opportunities, to give every individual the same opportunities to succeed; openness and curiosity, to be open to difference and understand its benefits; representativeness, to reflect the make-up of our clients and society; solidarity, to place mutual aid and cooperation at the heart of our operating methods; and responsibility, to make the promotion of diversity everyone's business.

For all Crédit Agricole SA Group subsidiaries, including CACEIS, March is an annual opportunity to promote our gender diversity policy, with numerous events organised to raise staff awareness of societal issues. These initiatives, whether global or local, are relayed on our LinkedIn account with a view to making a wider impact.

The articles by six female staff members in this issue are a way of highlighting the rich diversity of people and cultures at CACEIS, which vary from country to country, so that we can leverage it to create value and act every day in the interests of our clients and society.

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.