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Acompanhar sua integração

Nosso percurso de boas-vindas e integração acompanha os recém-chegados durante seu primeiro ano junto ao CACEIS.

Destaques da integração:

Desenvolver suas competências

Desenvolver as competências de nossos colaboradores, acompanhá-los em seus projetos e também facilitar sua adaptação às evoluções da organização e das profissões é um grande desafio para o CACEIS.

A oferta específica do CACEIS concentra-se principalmente na profissionalização e empregabilidade dos colaboradores por meio de formações personalizadas (profissões, administração, idiomas estrangeiros, TI).

A cada ano, identificamos as necessidades de formação dos colaboradores de forma a elaborar um plano de desenvolvimento pessoal.

O CACEIS oferece a seus colaboradores na França um dispositivo de Validação de Experiência Adquirida (VAE) em formação continuada, em parceria com a Universidade Paris Descartes, no quadro do diploma profissionalizante Back and Middle Office. 12 colaboradores obtiveram esse diploma em 2016.

Taxa de formação de 96%

77880 horas de formação

22,1 horas de formação, em média, por assalariado formado

O CACEIS desenvolve uma política de Tutoria que está no cerne de nossa iniciativa de transferência de conhecimentos e aprendizado. Ela reflete nosso desejo de apoiar nossos colaboradores em sua integração, no crescimento de suas competências e em sua carreira. As situações de tutoria na empresa são diversas (alternância, estágio, recém-formado, colaborador em processo de validação de experiência profissional etc.)

Training rate is 96%
77,880 hours of training
Average of 22.1 hours of training per trained employee

CACEIS is developing a mentoring policy to serve as the cornerstone of our knowledge transfer and learning initiative. This policy embodies our desire to help our employees find their feet, develop their skillset and enrich their career. Various mentoring scenarios are available within the company (apprenticeship, internship, graduate, employee on the Life Experience Degree, etc.).

A world of professional opportunities

Internal mobility is a key priority for career management. CACEIS offers their employees a wide range of career paths while also optimising our matching of resources to needs across all roles.

The CACEIS business forum and short 90-minute training sessions offered helps employees to become more familiar with our activities and prepares them for their next career move.

Our career management interview is just one of the tools in CACEIS’ individualised career management programme. It enables employees to discuss their career, skills and professional future at length with the Human Resources department.

At CACEIS, we support managers throughout the Group by providing them with the tools they need to nurture their professional development and fulfil their role.

Your career
Mobility rate of 11% in France

Unearthing talent

CACEIS has a collaborative talent management policy within the Group to identify and nurture employees with exceptional potential. Employees, managers and senior managers are heavily involved in this initiative.

A personnel review is organised each year in order to prepare a comprehensive professional assessment and an individual career management plan for each employee.

Every year, CACEIS recruits recent graduates across all activities and businesses. A two-year induction and loyalty programme is offered, focusing on three major themes: integration and skills development, career monitoring and development, recognition and rewards.

Benefitting from an attractive remuneration package

At CACEIS, we are committed to rewarding our employees, nurturing their skills and offering a level playing field to all in terms of career progression.

CACEIS’ remuneration policy is based on three principles:

  • Rewarding individual performance: The company encourages and rewards those employees with the best performance. Employees are rewarded for showing personal commitment and enhancing their skillset.
  • Ensuring fairness: Backed by cross-disciplinary studies, the manager monitors fairness (in terms of professionalism and by role) whilst also being selective to incentivise personal commitment and performance.
  • Taking an holistic view of remuneration: The remuneration package includes a fixed component, a variable component based on performance and other types of benefits: 
    • collective remuneration programmes offering a stake in the company’s profits and performance (profit-sharing scheme, incentive scheme, group savings plan, collective pension savings plan).
    • miscellaneous benefits (free social security, works council, etc.).

In total, almost a quarter of our employees’ remuneration comes from these benefits.

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.