01-01-70 - With mounting competition in the investment management world, investors are looking more and more closely at charges they pay, forcing asset managers to focus on reducing the fixed costs of their...
01-01-70 - With mounting competition in the investment management world, investors are looking more and more closely at charges they pay, forcing asset managers to focus on reducing the fixed costs of their...
01-01-70 - We offer our pension clients access to high-quality, industrialised, yet flexible solutions to best suit your specific requirements, while providing you with a significant degree of comfort, security...
01-01-70 - CACEIS offers a complete and comprehensive solution for OTC middle-office , securities lending and REPO services.Our services cover all aspects of post-trade for securities lending, REPO and OTC...
13-09-23 -
HERZIENING VAN MiFID I - Wetsvoorstel van de Europese Commissie tot wijziging van de MiFID-richtlijn wordt aangenomen
PUBLICATIE VAN MIF II - MiFID II en MiFIR worden gepubliceerd in het...
13-09-23 -
BEOORDELING - Beoordeling van de doeltreffendheid van de MMF-verordening
21 juli 2022
Verordening (EU) 2017/1131 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 14 juni 2017
INVOERING - Verordening...
30-10-24 - Sikko van Katwijk is vanaf 2019 Country Manager CACEIS Netherlands. Daarvoor werkte hij bij KAS BANK NV, vanaf 2009 als Lid van de Raad van Bestuur en vanaf 2015 als Voorzitter daarvan. Van 2004 tot...
01-01-70 - OLIS - Where People Meet Data, is a web based client portal giving access to centralised information on all the CACEIS services you use. OLIS provides up-to-the-minute business news, company news,...