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CACEIS selected by Theoreim to service its first two Real Estate funds

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CACEIS, the leading European asset servicing group, was selected as provider for Theoreim’s first two Real Estate funds.

Theoreim is an independent asset management company specialising in real estate investments and received authorisation from the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers in September 2020.

The first fund, Pythagore, is accessible through unit-linked life insurance contracts and is focused on investing into real estate investment funds (such as SCPIs, OPCIs, OPPCIs, AIFs and Luxembourg AIFs), real estate club-deals, buildings and real estate mutual funds.

The second fund, the FPS Newton, is reserved for professional investors. This open-ended Alternative Investment Fund is intended for investment principally into buildings, real estate club-deals and real estate investment funds.

CACEIS, now provides depositary banking services for the two funds, in addition to fund accounting and transfer agent services for the FPS Newton fund.

Romain Welsch, President of Theoreim, said, "With its integrated front-to-back offering, CACEIS sets the benchmark for asset servicing in the real estate market. It is essential for Theoreim to be able to rely on partners that are specialised in unlisted assets, have a well-established track record and have demonstrated their expertise to the market."

Arnaud Garel-Galais, Group Head of PERES* Coverage and Business Development at CACEIS added, "We are delighted to have been selected by Theoreim, an asset management company that offers innovative investment solutions. We are proud to be involved with the launch of Theoreim’s first two funds and to provide support as a long-term partner for its ongoing business development objectives."

*PERES : Private Equity, Real Estate & Securitisation

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