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CACEIS Internet site

You are currently connected to the "" site published by CACEIS. This is the portal for information on the CACEIS Group's businesses.


Legal information

CACEIS, a “Société Anonyme” (public limited company) with a share capital of €941 008 309.02 has its registered office at 89-91 rue Gabriel Péri – 92120 Montrouge – France, and is registered with the Nanterre trade and company register under number 437580160. 

Phone number (standard): (+33) 1 57 78 00 00 - Email:

VAT Code FR 1343 758 0160

Financial company under French law, registered on the list of financial companies by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR, 61 rue Taitbout - 75436 Paris cedex 09, France).

Represented by Jean-Pierre Michalowski, Chief Executive Officer

Editor-in-chief: Jean-Pierre Michalowski, Chief Executive Officer

Editorial Manager: Claude Michaux, Group Communications Director

Conception and design: Communications Division

IT development: CACEIS Bank 

IT hosting: PROGICA S.A.S.

12, place des Etats-Unis

92127 Montrouge CEDEX - France





Alexis Cordesse

Yves Maisonneuve, CACEIS

Carlos Manjón Guzmán, CACEIS

Jérôme Boucher, CACEIS

Direction de la communication de CACEIS

Photo of Paris and the tour Montparnasse « with the kind authorisation of the Syndicat des Copropriétaires de l’EITMM »

Otherwise, as indicated under the images 

Graphic design:

Agence Nude

101 rue de Paris – 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt


Purpose of the Site

Navigation on this site is subject to French regulations as well as the conditions below. By continuing the consultation of the site, you show your acceptance of these contractual conditions.

CACEIS is the asset servicing banking group of Crédit Agricole and Santander dedicated to asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, banks, brokers and corporate clients.
Through offices across Europe, North and South America and Asia, CACEIS offers a broad range of services covering execution, clearing, forex, securities lending, custody, depositary and fund administration, fund distribution support, middle office outsourcing and issuer services. CACEIS is a European leader in asset servicing and one of the major players worldwide.

This site gives you the possibility to send e-mails to CACEIS. Such e-mails are sent through the Internet, a public network over which CACEIS has no control and as a result, messages may be intercepted, modified or lost. We draw your attention to the fact that this site was designed for informational purposes relating to the services of CACEIS and as a channel to carry out informal communications with our institution. The site is in no way designed to be a tool for communication with our institution for the purposes of management or contractual service offers. Consequently CACEIS guarantees neither explicitly, nor implicitly that information or requests sent via the site will be read or acted upon.


Access to the CACEIS Internet site

Users of the site recognise that they have the capability and means required to access and use this site. Users also acknowledge that they have read and understood the present legal information and disclaimer and undertake to comply with them. The site may give access to other sites that may or may not belong to CACEIS, which may have their own legal information and which users should read and comply with.

CACEIS and its subsidiaries may not be held liable in any way for any elements outside of their control and any direct or indirect damages that may be incurred by the user, to the technical environment notably their computers, software, network equipment and any other equipment used to access the information, resulting from any access to or use of the site including inaccessibility, data loss, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect the users’ IT equipment and or the presence of viruses on its site.


Information contained on this site

This site is a purely informative site. As such, it is intended to present CACEIS and its activities. The products presented only concern products that have been accredited or authorised for sale in France by the French securities regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF). None of the information contained on the site may be considered or interpreted as being contractually binding in any way. All of the information is given exclusively for information and does not represent a commitment in any way by CACEIS.

Any of the information contained on this site may be modified at any time and without prior notice by CACEIS. The information contained on the CACEIS site in no way constitutes an offering of services or products, a commercial request of any kind, or recommendations or advice. CACEIS and its subsidiaries may not be held liable, directly or indirectly, for any decisions taken or not taken on the basis of the information contained on the site or for any use that may be made of it by third parties. As such, users alone are responsible for their use of the information and the results obtained based on the information distributed on this site.


Reliability of information

Information concerning services and products or any other information contained on this site is provided as is, even if it is taken from documents that may be considered to be reliable.

This information does not contain any evaluation of financial products.

This information must, nevertheless, be verified directly with CACEIS.

CACEIS and its subsidiaries may not be held liable in any way for this information.


Access to information

Access to information relative to the financial products of CACEIS on this site may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain people or certain countries.

None of the information relative to CACEIS financial products presented here may be provided by CACEIS and its subsidiaries to a person who makes such a request if the laws of his or her country or any other country concerning him or her forbids it.

Users are asked to ensure that they are legally authorised to connect to the present site from the country in which their Internet connection is established.


Protection of site content

Unless otherwise stipulated, CACEIS holds, reserves and retains all the rights of ownership of this Site and the elements it contains, in particular of images, texts, iconographic and photographic representations, sounds and documents downloadable on the Site. The trademarks, logos and other indications of origin belong to CACEIS or to a third party that has granted and / or authorized CACEIS the right to use them on this Site.

Nothing contained herein shall be deemed granted to the User any license or right to use any of the trademarks on the Site without the written permission of CACEIS or of the aforementioned third party.

CACEIS and / or its third-party content providers remain the owners of the information appearing on this Site, and the user does not acquire any of the aforementioned property rights by printing or downloading any part of the information or making use of the features of the Site. Therefore, the reproduction or representation of all or part of the Site on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited unless CACEIS has previously agreed in writing.


User rights

CACEIS authorises users, in accordance with the present conditions and the rules governing Internet use to freely consult this Site for informational purposes solely for their own personal and private use, excluding all commercial uses.



The site may contain hypertext links to other resources present on the Internet network as well as from such resources to the Site, whether this concerns links established with other CACEIS Group sites or sites belonging to third parties, notably financial companies or providers of financial information.

Such links may not be considered as constituting an offer of services or products, recommendations, advice or commercial requests of any kind.

CACEIS disclaims all responsibility concerning the content and the use made by third parties of any information contained on any other sites.

Similarly, CACEIS disclaims all responsibility concerning the consequences linked to any technical faults relating to these links.



Our concern is to protect the quality and integrity of your personal data. The technologies and security policies applied make it possible to protect your personal data against any unauthorised access and any misuse. The various people who have access to the data are required to respect the privacy of the users of this Site and the confidentiality of their data.

We will never send you an e-mail asking you to provide us with confidential data (credit card number, PIN, etc.).

Economic Research and analysis

Economic publications and analysis reflect the opinion of Crédit Agricole S.A. on the date of publication, unless otherwise specified (in the case of outside contributors). Such opinion is subject to change without notice. Economic publications and analysis are provided for informational purposes only. The information and analyses contained are not to be construed as an offer to sell or as a solicitation whatsoever. Crédit Agricole S.A. or “name of the subsidiary” shall not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, however caused, arising therefrom. Crédit Agricole S.A. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of such opinions, nor of the sources of information upon which they are based, although such sources of information are considered reliable. “name of the subsidiary” or Crédit Agricole S.A. therefore shall not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, however caused, arising from the disclosure or use of the information contained in the publications.


Protection of computer systems

Articles 323-1 and following of the French penal code (Code Pénal) and its rules, orders and regulations punish attacks on automatic data-processing systems, notably: 


Governing law - jurisdiction

The site, the official language of which is French, is subject to French law and comes exclusively under French jurisdiction.

Copyright © CACEIS 2024

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.