Entorno Reglamentario:
No content.Actualidades, Notas de prensa, Eventos & Interviews:
Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund selects CACEIS and the CACEIS Pensions Centre in a mandate that covers custody, administration and performance reporting
01/15/2025 - The Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund has selected CACEIS and the CACEIS Pensions Centre to provide custody, accounting and performance ...
Für Pensionseinrichtungen: Lebendige Paneldiskussion des CACEIS Forums für Sie zusammengefasst
12/12/2024 - In einer vielschichtigen Diskussion auf dem CACEIS Institutionelle Investoren Forum beleuchteten Experten aus der Energiebranche, dem Finanzwesen und der Beratung ...
Driving long term partnership with pension schemes
06/19/2024 - CACEIS has a long track record in working with pension schemes. Today, we partner with all types of pension schemes ...
Preparing for SDR and fund labels
02/15/2024 - In November last year, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published their policy statement on SDR, including proposals for sustainability linked ...
January 2024
02/14/2024 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Un equipo galardonado en 2023
12/21/2023 - En CACEIS, la asociación consiste sencillamente en asegurarnos de estar siempre atentos y ágiles a las necesidades de nuestros ...
Third Master Trust Roundtable
12/21/2023 - As master trusts are in their second year of reporting within the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, ...
La labor de CACEIS UK en materia de planes de pensiones recompensados
09/29/2023 - CACEIS UK es el "Proveedor de servicios LGPS del año" en los Premios de Inversión LAPF 2023, testimonio del é...
La labor de CACEIS UK en materia de planes de pensiones recompensados
09/29/2023 - CACEIS UK es el "Proveedor de servicios LGPS del año" en los Premios de Inversión LAPF 2023, testimonio del é...
CACEIS News No. 73 - September 2023
09/18/2023 - The Asset Servicing Journal
¿Cuál es el camino hacia Net Zero?
09/15/2023 - Nunca ha sido más evidente que nosotros, como industria de servicios financieros, debemos asumir un mayor liderazgo para ayudar ...
¿Cuál es el camino hacia Net Zero?
09/15/2023 - Nunca ha sido más evidente que nosotros, como industria de servicios financieros, debemos asumir un mayor liderazgo para ayudar ...
CACEIS, a dedicated Pensions Specialist
09/13/2023 - CACEIS has identified continued growth in the pensions sector as a key pillar in its 2023-2025 medium-term plan (MTP). To ...
How should we define value?
09/04/2023 - Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to measuring factors such as value for money. The Department ...
Evolution or revolution? ESG and climate data for pension schemes
09/01/2023 - Pension schemes now have access to more reliable data on ESG and climate risks and are slowly expanding their information ...
What lies ahead for pension schemes? Blockchain and digital asset technology
08/31/2023 - The financial services industry is on the cusp of a major technological transformation, which will lead to innovative evolution and ...
Pension schemes need to solve for many different challenges
08/30/2023 - Wouter Peters, Global Head of The CACEIS Pensions Centre, provides his perspective on how pension schemes can think ahead.
Digital assets – what do they mean for pension schemes?
06/28/2023 - Arnaud Misset, Chief Digital Officer at CACEIS and Pat Sharman, Country Managing Director, UK, hosted a roundtable on digital assets ...
Blue Sky Group Selects CACEIS' Full Oursourcing Model
06/26/2023 - Blue Sky Group (BSG), an independent pension administrator which has its origins in the KLM pension funds, has chosen CACEIS ...
Een stap naar een toekomstbestendig pensioenstelsel
06/06/2023 - De Nederlandse pensioensector staat aan de vooravond van de grootste verandering in de afgelopen decennia. Verschillende factoren maakten een ...
Conferencia de Inversión PLSA 2023
05/25/2023 - 6-8 Junio Edinburgo
Conferencia de Inversión PLSA 2023
05/25/2023 - 6-8 Junio Edinburgo
El depositario en los planes de pensiones: un actor indispensable que aporta valor añadido
05/23/2023 - El depositario es el guardián invisible pero crucial de los ahorros de los trabajadores en los fondos de pensiones, ...
Waarom de Wtp om een middenfunctie vraagt
04/26/2023 - De pensioenmarkt is volop in beweging. Verschillende factoren maakten een hervorming van het huidige ...
CACEIS News No. 72 - April 2023
04/25/2023 - The Asset Servicing Journal
CACEIS: Delivering on client expectations
04/24/2023 - CACEIS is fully positioned to support its clients in a rapidly changing investment industry. More than 400 business development staff at ...
January 2023
02/28/2023 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
El papel de los depositarios en las pensiones
02/21/2023 - Su función es clave para garantizar que estos productos de ahorro a largo plazo con carácter finalista son ...
December 2022
01/24/2023 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
November 2022
12/23/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
October 2022
11/21/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
July-August 2022
09/22/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Inzicht door overzicht
08/30/2022 - Regie in PensioenuitvoeringRapport van de Expertgroep Ketenchallenge
Nieuw pensioenstelsel: uitbesteding pensioenfonds vergt meer aansturing
08/30/2022 - De Wet toekomst pensioenen (Wtp) beoogt een transparant en persoonlijk pensioen. Het pensioenfonds dient inzicht te verschaffen in het persoonlijk ...
April 2022
05/16/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Change is coming
05/09/2022 - The subject of climate risk is a complex one, driven by evolving regulation and developing knowledge on the topic. This ...
La Agenda Master Trust
02/10/2022 - CACEIS, en alianza con el Instituto de Gestión de Pensiones (PMI), organizó una reunión para discutir lo que ...
La Agenda Master Trust
02/10/2022 - CACEIS, en alianza con el Instituto de Gestión de Pensiones (PMI), organizó una reunión para discutir lo que ...
Disruptieve megatrends in de pensioensector: duurzaamheid en digitalisering
12/01/2021 - De gangbare disrupties door de wet- en regelgeving zijn algemeen bekend, maar de pensioensector is ook onderhevig aan wereldwijde ...
Disruptieve megatrends in de pensioensector: demografie, sociaal en globalisering
11/02/2021 - De gangbare disrupties door de wet- en regelgeving zijn algemeen bekend, maar de pensioensector is ook onderhevig aan wereldwijde ...
Le contrôle des coûts est devenu un facteur essentiel
10/14/2021 - Malgré les bonnes performances de 2020, la baisse généralisée des rendements oblige les caisses de pension à compenser par ...
Dealing with climate risks in pension schemes
10/13/2021 - Climate change will continue be high on the regulatory agenda and likely to be more so as the UK hosts ...
Is there a route to net-zero? Making sense of the recent IPCC report
08/24/2021 - The recently published United Nations (UN) report on climate change generated alarming headlines worldwide. Here, Pat Sharman, Country Managing Director, ...
Webinar voor pensioenfondsen: Verantwoord beleggen i.s.m. DNB en de VBDO
05/17/2021 - Lees hier de key messages van elke spreker en bekijk de slides en opname van het volledige webinar.
EMIR: mandatory clearing poses difficulties for PSA
02/05/2021 - On 17th December 2020, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued its second report on the clearing solutions for Pension ...
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 4
12/15/2020 - The who’s who and what’s what of ESG
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 3
12/15/2020 - Why climate change matters
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 2
12/15/2020 - Assessing your asset managers’ ESG approach
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 1
12/15/2020 - An introduction to responsible investment
Taking action on ESG and climate change
12/01/2020 - Transforming tomorrow: Rising to the new normal of ESG and Climate change factors and risks