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176 results

Fund administration & Accounting

01-01-70 - CACEIS provides fund administration and accounting services using an integrated approach. You benefit from a comprehensive accounting service that operates in full compliance with local and...

Fund distribution offer

01-01-70 - CACEIS has a long history of assisting clients with a key aspect of their business - the distribution and commercialisation of their fund ranges. Our service offer around investment inflows covers...

Fund finance

01-01-70 - Thanks to our specialised “Private Capital services” business line that combines the services of CACIB, CACEIS, LCL, Regional Banks and Indosuez Wealth Management within the Crédit Agricole Group, we...

Fund Structuring Offer

01-01-70 - By delegating the administrative management of your funds to CACEIS, you will access the expertise of our legal teams specialized in Collective Investment schemes’ law. You will benefit from their...

FundForum Internacional 2022

13-04-22 - 10-13 Mayo 2022 – Grimaldi Forum, Monaco CACEIS es sponsor Diamond del evento FundForum Internacional 2022, el principal encuentro europeo de compradores de fondos, que se celebra del 10 al 13 de...


01-01-70 - Cross-border distribution is key in each asset manager’s growing curve: CACEIS continues the integration of its asset servicing offer with FundGlobam’s end-to-end solutions, therefore, covering the...


13-09-23 - Entrada en vigor de la Directiva sobre GFIA La AEVM debe pronunciarse sobre el final de los regímenes nacionales de inversión de fondos terceros sin pasaporte ESMA's final report Directiva (EU)...

Gobierno corporativo

07-01-25 - Gobierno corporativo Consejo de Administración

HV Capital contrata a CACEIS como depositario en otras cuatro estructuras de capital privado

09-11-23 - HV Capital, destacado inversor en fases iniciales y de crecimiento en Europa, ha añadido recientemente otras cuatro estructuras de capital riesgo a la cartera depositada en CACEIS Alemania. HV...

I Mesa rendonda de Banca Privada

29-11-22 - CACEIS BANK Spain ha celebrado su I Mesa Redonda de Banca Privada. En el encuentro, moderado por Antonio Ricote, Sales & Relationship Manager en CACEIS, estuvieron presentes Carlos Masdevall,...
Search results 81 until 90 of 176
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