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Discover our digital solutions

Solid and innovative, CACEIS offers you a comprehensive range of products and solutions for all your post investment decision activities, for you to concentrate on what matter the most : your strategy. Discover our web and digital applications and its principal features.

A simple solution for all your bank transfers.

  • Manage all your cash transfers
  • Manage all your cash transfers

    Manage your cash transfers (inernal, international or in the euro zone) and your cash forecast.

    Your payments are handled in all authorised currencies with which CACEIS has an opposite number (list on request). 

    Manage all your cash transfers
    Follow your cash transfers
    Follow your cash transfers
    4-6 eyes validation and customized threshold

    Configure who can initiate and/or validate cash transfers and set cash transfer limits to each user.

    4-6 eyes validation and customized threshold
    Beneficiary Management

    Manage your beneficiary list, secure the addition of beneficiaries with the 4 eyes validation.

    Allow cash transfers only your list of beneficiaries.

    Beneficiary Management
Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.