No content.News, Pressemitteilungen, Events & Interviews:
Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund selects CACEIS and the CACEIS Pensions Centre in a mandate that covers custody, administration and performance reporting
01/15/2025 - The Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund has selected CACEIS and the CACEIS Pensions Centre to provide custody, accounting and performance ...
Für Pensionseinrichtungen: Lebendige Paneldiskussion des CACEIS Forums für Sie zusammengefasst
12/12/2024 - In einer vielschichtigen Diskussion auf dem CACEIS Institutionelle Investoren Forum beleuchteten Experten aus der Energiebranche, dem Finanzwesen und der Beratung ...
Driving long term partnership with pension schemes
06/19/2024 - CACEIS has a long track record in working with pension schemes. Today, we partner with all types of pension schemes ...
Preparing for SDR and fund labels
02/15/2024 - In November last year, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published their policy statement on SDR, including proposals for sustainability linked ...
January 2024
02/14/2024 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
An award-winning team in 2023
12/21/2023 - For CACEIS, partnership is simply about making sure we are always attentive to the needs of our clients, taking standard ...
Third Master Trust Roundtable
12/21/2023 - As master trusts are in their second year of reporting within the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, ...
CACEIS UK's work on pension schemes rewarded
09/29/2023 - CACEIS UK is “LGPS service Provider of the Year” at the LAPF Investment Awards 2023, a testimony to the success of ...
La labor de CACEIS UK en materia de planes de pensiones recompensados
09/29/2023 - CACEIS UK es el "Proveedor de servicios LGPS del año" en los Premios de Inversión LAPF 2023, testimonio del é...
CACEIS News No. 73 - September 2023
09/18/2023 - The Asset Servicing Journal
What's the route to Net Zero?
09/15/2023 - Never has it been more apparent that we, as a financial services industry, need to take a bigger leadership role ...
¿Cuál es el camino hacia Net Zero?
09/15/2023 - Nunca ha sido más evidente que nosotros, como industria de servicios financieros, debemos asumir un mayor liderazgo para ayudar ...
CACEIS, a dedicated Pensions Specialist
09/13/2023 - CACEIS has identified continued growth in the pensions sector as a key pillar in its 2023-2025 medium-term plan (MTP). To ...
How should we define value?
09/04/2023 - Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to measuring factors such as value for money. The Department ...
ESG-Daten: Evolution oder Revolution?
09/01/2023 - Pensionseinrichtungen haben zwischenzeitlich Zugang zu zuverlässigeren Daten über ESG- und Klimarisiken und weiten ihren Informationsbedarf zudem auch auf das ...
Was kommt auf uns zu? Blockchain- und Digital Asset-Technologie
08/31/2023 - Die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche steht an der Schwelle zu einem tiefgreifenden technologischen Wandel, der zu einer innovativen Entwicklung führen wird und ...
Altersvorsorgeeinrichtungen haben unterschiedliche Herausforderungen
08/30/2023 - Wouter Peters, Global Head of the CACEIS Pensions Centre, erläutert, wie sich Altersvorsorgeeinrichtungen auf die Zukunft vorbereiten können
Digital assets – what do they mean for pension schemes?
06/28/2023 - Arnaud Misset, Chief Digital Officer at CACEIS and Pat Sharman, Country Managing Director, UK, hosted a roundtable on digital assets ...
Blue Sky Group Selects CACEIS' Full Oursourcing Model
06/26/2023 - Blue Sky Group (BSG), an independent pension administrator which has its origins in the KLM pension funds, has chosen CACEIS ...
Een stap naar een toekomstbestendig pensioenstelsel
06/06/2023 - De Nederlandse pensioensector staat aan de vooravond van de grootste verandering in de afgelopen decennia. Verschillende factoren maakten een ...
Conferencia de Inversión PLSA 2023
05/25/2023 - 6-8 Junio Edinburgo
PLSA Investment Conference 2023
05/25/2023 - 6-8 June Edinburgh
El depositario en los planes de pensiones: un actor indispensable que aporta valor añadido
05/23/2023 - El depositario es el guardián invisible pero crucial de los ahorros de los trabajadores en los fondos de pensiones, ...
Waarom de Wtp om een middenfunctie vraagt
04/26/2023 - De pensioenmarkt is volop in beweging. Verschillende factoren maakten een hervorming van het huidige ...
CACEIS News No. 72 - April 2023
04/25/2023 - The Asset Servicing Journal
CACEIS: Delivering on client expectations
04/24/2023 - CACEIS is fully positioned to support its clients in a rapidly changing investment industry. More than 400 business development staff at ...
January 2023
02/28/2023 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
El papel de los depositarios en las pensiones
02/21/2023 - Su función es clave para garantizar que estos productos de ahorro a largo plazo con carácter finalista son ...
December 2022
01/24/2023 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
November 2022
12/23/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
October 2022
11/21/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
July-August 2022
09/22/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Inzicht door overzicht
08/30/2022 - Regie in PensioenuitvoeringRapport van de Expertgroep Ketenchallenge
Nieuw pensioenstelsel: uitbesteding pensioenfonds vergt meer aansturing
08/30/2022 - De Wet toekomst pensioenen (Wtp) beoogt een transparant en persoonlijk pensioen. Het pensioenfonds dient inzicht te verschaffen in het persoonlijk ...
April 2022
05/16/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Change is coming
05/09/2022 - The subject of climate risk is a complex one, driven by evolving regulation and developing knowledge on the topic. This ...
La Agenda Master Trust
02/10/2022 - CACEIS, en alianza con el Instituto de Gestión de Pensiones (PMI), organizó una reunión para discutir lo que ...
The Master Trust Agenda
02/10/2022 - CACEIS, in partnership with the Pensions Management Institute (PMI), held a roundtable to discuss what’s on the Master Trust ...
Disruptieve megatrends in de pensioensector: duurzaamheid en digitalisering
12/01/2021 - De gangbare disrupties door de wet- en regelgeving zijn algemeen bekend, maar de pensioensector is ook onderhevig aan wereldwijde ...
Disruptieve megatrends in de pensioensector: demografie, sociaal en globalisering
11/02/2021 - De gangbare disrupties door de wet- en regelgeving zijn algemeen bekend, maar de pensioensector is ook onderhevig aan wereldwijde ...
Le contrôle des coûts est devenu un facteur essentiel
10/14/2021 - Malgré les bonnes performances de 2020, la baisse généralisée des rendements oblige les caisses de pension à compenser par ...
Dealing with climate risks in pension schemes
10/13/2021 - Climate change will continue be high on the regulatory agenda and likely to be more so as the UK hosts ...
Is there a route to net-zero? Making sense of the recent IPCC report
08/24/2021 - The recently published United Nations (UN) report on climate change generated alarming headlines worldwide. Here, Pat Sharman, Country Managing Director, ...
Webinar voor pensioenfondsen: Verantwoord beleggen i.s.m. DNB en de VBDO
05/17/2021 - Lees hier de key messages van elke spreker en bekijk de slides en opname van het volledige webinar.
EMIR: mandatory clearing poses difficulties for PSA
02/05/2021 - On 17th December 2020, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued its second report on the clearing solutions for Pension ...
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 4
12/15/2020 - The who’s who and what’s what of ESG
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 3
12/15/2020 - Why climate change matters
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 2
12/15/2020 - Assessing your asset managers’ ESG approach
CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 1
12/15/2020 - An introduction to responsible investment
Taking action on ESG and climate change
12/01/2020 - Transforming tomorrow: Rising to the new normal of ESG and Climate change factors and risks