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CACEIS News no 77 - October 2024
10/17/2024 - The asset journal
The strong growth potential of active ETFs
10/01/2024 - Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have been part of the European market since 2000, experiencing immense success over the years. Traditionally, ETFs ...
Domiciliation of ETFs: what choice of jurisdiction in Europe?
06/17/2024 - The European ETF industry is still experiencing significant growth and we have recently observed growing interest in the ‘Active’ ETF ...
Reshaping Investment: Tokenisation, ETFs and Sustainability
11/14/2023 - The Financial Services Industry continues to evolve quickly, driven by innovations such ...
ETFs werden immer häufiger eingesetzt, nicht nur für Indexnachbildung
09/21/2023 - Eine exklusive Funds Europe/CACEIS-Umfrage unter 250 institutionellen Investoren zeigt, dass ETFs zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil der Vermögensanlage geworden sind. Ü...
CACEIS News No. 72 - April 2023
04/25/2023 - The Asset Servicing Journal
CACEIS: Delivering on client expectations
04/24/2023 - CACEIS is fully positioned to support its clients in a rapidly changing investment industry. More than 400 business development staff at ...
Lanzamiento de su propio ETF: cosas a tener en cuenta y estrategias para el éxito
04/07/2023 - Pese a los malos resultados de 2022, los ETF siguieron recibiendo entradas a lo largo del año, lo que demuestra ...
Launching Your Own ETF: Considerations and Strategies for Success
04/07/2023 - Despite the poor performance in 2022, ETFs continued to receive inflows throughout the year, showcasing their resilience compared to other investment ...
Los proveedores de servicios deben seguir el ritmo de la evolución de los ETF
04/05/2023 - Desde sus pequeños comienzos a principios del milenio, los fondos cotizados en bolsa se han convertido en una parte ...
Service providers must keep pace with ETF evolution
04/05/2023 - From small beginnings at the turn of the millenium, Exchange-traded funds have become an established part of the investment landscape. ...
Irish Funds - Boston Breakfast Seminar
03/06/2023 - 15 March 2023 - 8am-11amBoston
CACEIS als Dienstleister für neuen Investlinx ETF ausgewählt
02/28/2023 - CACEIS, eine der größten Asset-Servicing-Gruppen in Europa, wurde von Investlinx Investment Management beauftragt, für deren neu aufgelegten ETF ...
CACEIS stärkt ETF-Angebot mittels Partnerschaft mit PCF-Berechnungsanbieter ULTUMUS
02/02/2023 - CACEIS verstärkt sein Dienstleistungsangebot rund um börsengehandelte Indexfonds, kurz ETF, durch eine neue Partnerschaft mit dem Index- und ...
CACEIS News No. 70 - October 2022
10/10/2022 - The Asset Servicing Journal
CACEIS brings comprehensive servicing solutions to ETF market players
10/03/2022 - The fast-growing ETF market is a high potential sector in CACEIS’ business development strategy. In accordance with the objectives announced ...
CACEIS supports the ETF industry’s strong development with its comprehensive solutions
01/21/2022 - 2021 is yet another record year for the Exchange Traded Funds industry in terms of asset levels and net flows. But ...
The ETF universe is expanding, and investors need to pay attention
12/08/2021 - Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have enjoyed a meteoric rise over the past two decades, reaching more than $1.5 trillion in assets ...