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The API portal: Simplifying data flows to clients’ IT systems

01/11/2021Topic:  Tag CACEIS CACEIS News

© kentoh

As part of its digital transformation plan, CACEIS is now offering clients new functions with an API (Application Programming Interface) portal. This application roll-out marks a new step towards Open Banking-style secure data sharing.

Today, CACEIS’ data management has a centralised and industrialised structure: every day, CACEIS leverages the advantages of Big Data by processing and collecting huge quantities of operational data from across its IT platforms. The challenge is then to rapidly structure and make that data available to clients so they can make use of it. The best way to do this is the widespread use of APIs which greatly facilitate the process of interfacing with our clients' information systems, making processes both more efficient and more secure. The use of APIs also facilitates any future developments by reducing projects’ interfacing times and costs for the client and CACEIS.

The API Portal is essentially a "Data viewer" for sharing data with our clients. By making data available in this way, CACEIS provides a global, cross-functional view, helping users operate more independently and efficiently.

CACEIS’ platform gathers and documents all APIs available to clients. Its aim is to enhance data sharing and visibility, and to optimise and develop their use, both with our clients and within the Group.

Navigation on the platform is divided into four categories:

  • CACEIS’ API catalogue,
  • API documentation,
  • API Testing,
  • API developer contact.

Sabine IaconoThe first version, coming soon, will include Middle-office APIs; the catalogue will be progressively added to and eventually include all CACEIS’ API solutions.

"The development of the API Portal marks an important step in CACEIS' digital transformation strategy. It is also the beginning of a new working relationship between our clients' IT and operational departments and our own respective teams, with the goal of enhancing and extending our offering", explains Sabine Iacono, Group Digital Transformation Manager at CACEIS. "The objective is also to provide turnkey services that can be integrated into clients' information systems, just like our widely-used Olis Convergence client portal.”

The API offering will be made available to CACEIS clients during the first half of 2021.

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.