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© Goss Vitalij

CACEIS is developing a digital service designed to enable clients to manage their own account opening process. The service will soon be available through our OLIS platform and will increase efficiency, responsiveness and independence for our clients.

In the scope of our asset servicing activities, we open over 20,000 bank accounts for clients every year. Each time an account is opened, any delays in responding to email exchanges or telephone calls can result in the account opening process being longer that necessary.

CACEIS is digitising account management, specifically client requests relating to accounts and reports, to increase efficiency and reduce processing times. A new OLIS module will soon make it possible to open, change and close a cash or securities account, via the platform, as well as set up a subscription for specific reports.

Anne Grimaldi - Group Head of Business Implementation and Commercial SupportThis service brings numerous operational improvements for clients and CACEIS staff alike: a reduction in processing times; 24/7 service availability; reduction in manual data entry risks; and a dedicated OLIS dashboard to monitor the status of requests.

This new digital service will increase the security of the account opening process by automating requests in our systems and reducing operational risks through the use of access usage rights for authorised individuals”, adds Anne Grimaldi, Group Head of Business Implementation & Commercial Support.

This service will increase clients’ independence of action in their relationship with CACEIS, and boost responsiveness by reducing the timeframe for opening (or making changes to) an account. Having a single point of entry for clients working with several CACEIS entities, such as both Luxembourg and France, is an additional benefit.

The account opening service offered by CACEIS will therefore make a substantial contribution to improving the overall user experience and client satisfaction”, says Anne Grimaldi.

The module will initially go live in OLIS in January 2022 for account management requests of clients working across the entire CACEIS group. It will then be extended to other processes such as signing up for CACEIS’ service offerings. Our sales teams will be able to answer any further questions you may have relating to these new functions.

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.