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Debunking the myths around securities lending: performance, regulation & opportunities in 2023

Performance, ESG, regulation... Our Securities Finance team looks at how the securities lending industry is helping investors and market liquidity in 2023.

Leveraging our experience as a leading custodian, our Securities Lending experts help clients take advantage of market opportunities within a safe and sustainable business framework.

This webinar will help you understand the key role Securities Lending plays in financial markets’ efficiency, and how in 2023, it’s delivering performance and liquidity with a sustainable approach.

On July 5th at 11:00, join Matt Chessum, Donia Rouigueb and Rémy Ferraretto for this webinar to find out more about Securities Lending opportunities.

Matt Chessum - Director Securities Finance-S&P Global  Donia Rouigueb - Head of Sales Securites Finance and Repo, CACEIS  Rémy Ferrareto - Senior Sales Securities and Repo, CACEIS


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