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Bespoke service offerings created in minutes

03/05/2024Topic:  Tag CACEIS CACEIS News

© Dilok

CACEIS offers some 200 products and services covering the entire post-market value chain, from execution to custody. Having such a broad scope of services means that we can offer clients the exact combination to suit their business development objectives, whether they are a bank, asset manager, institutional client or any other type of financial player.

As part of our constant drive to improve the ‘Client Experience’, CACEIS’ Product Marketing team, headed by Caroline Astruc, together with the Product Development team, has developed an innovative ‘Solution-based’ approach, that focusses less on the individual products. This simplifies the offering design process for clients, and helps them access the precise service package that meets their needs.

Caroline Astruc - Group Manager of Product MarketingThe key component in this solution-based approach is CACEIS’ Data Lake. It is our centralised storage silo which holds historical to real-time client information and is the single, trusted data source used by operational teams, applications, dashboards and reporting engines. This unified and robust Data Lake ensures consistency, responsiveness and accuracy of client data, enabling comprehensive analysis of granular information and a high level of customisation for each client type.

"Product Marketing staff work in close partnership with clients to further customise services based on daily feedback, specific surveys, and co-creation workshops.  We also changed the way we operate, working much more closely with Sales teams to gain a better insight into clients’ business requirements. We then rapidly make any necessary adjustments based on this feedback to meet their servicing expectations", explains Caroline Astruc, Group Manager of Product Marketing.

While some services require CACEIS’ assistance in customisation, other services can simply be subscribed to on a self-service, on-line basis, and then set-up to display the information clients themselves select, in the format that suits their own business use case.

"Depending on asset volumes, scope of activity and business requirements, clients will be able to build their own tailor-made solution, ranging from simple offers covering standard needs to more complex additional services that provide greater added value," explains Caroline Astruc.

The subscription model is a highly-flexible, modular on-line offering that works well in combination with our sales and relationship management staff who are always available to offer support that is precisely tailored to your business needs.

This bespoke approach to the design of our service offerings also extends to our digital solutions including personalised reporting via OLIS, and access to our best-of-breed Fintech partners’ solutions via the Connect Store.

We are continuously innovating to enhance the added-value we provide our clients, to ensure we better understand their business needs for bespoke service offerings, and finally, to enable them to benefit from digitalisation. Simply put, we are constantly working to improve the Client Experience.

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent offer relating to placements or investments. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers, please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud. You can consult blacklists and alerts from authorities on the ABEIS website.